Website trends: Do It Yourself Website

Website trends: Do It Yourself Website

Over the weekend, I read an article by Inc. Magazine that highlights trends of modern website design.  His first point is to show you have you don’t have to rely on the complicated coding of a custom website design.  He’s right, you can...

What to do after your website is live

What do you do after your website is live? Now that the waiting is over, and you have a live website you can actually tell people about…what’s next?  What do you do to get your online presence out of the starting gate?  We have some tips and suggestions...
Selecting images for your website or printed materials

Selecting images for your website or printed materials

How do you determine what pictures will work and what won’t? We sometimes have issues explaining what it means when we ask for high resolution images for a graphic design or website design project. Depending on the project, it might end up with “just send...